1. Connect to our IRC Network and join channel #ZNC
To connect to UniBG IRC Network you can use our
or your favorite IRC Client.
Server: irc.v.bg
Port: 6667
SSL Port: 9999
mIRC Example: /server -m irc.v.bg
2. Register your nickname and confirm it.
/msg NS register (password) (email)
Then check you mail for the passcode.
To confirm your nickname: /msg NS confirm (passcode)
3. Send "request" to our service bot with
nickname "znc".
/msg znc request (e-mail) (Network name)
(IRCServer[:[+]Port]) [vhost]
[Port] and [vhost] are NOT required parameters
[+] before [Port] is used for SSL connection
In order to see the available vhosts please send /msg znc vhosts